4 Steps to Make Working Out a Habit

Image of women stretching and text saying 4 steps to make working out a habit

We’ve all been there – promising yourself that you will work out consistently, yet after about 2 weeks you decide it’s hopeless. Whether you are trying to go to the gym, work out at home, or invite movement into your daily life, it’s possible to make a habit of it. Daily movement is not only good for your physical health but also for your mental clarity. Follow these steps below to create a healthy habit for yourself!

Step 1: Write it Down or Tell a Friend

The first step to starting a habit is accountability. It’s really easy to quit trying when there’s nothing or no one holding you accountable. You are 42% more likely to achieve your goals when you write them down. Writing down your intentions makes those goals real instead of an intangible idea. Telling a friend is also a great form of accountability. Let’s say your goal is to take a walk everyday at your lunch break. Tell a work friend so you have that accountability everyday. They should be able to give you that kick in the rear or reminder on those days you’re feeling unmotivated. An even better situation would be finding a friend to conquer those goals with you! Talk to your friends or family to see if they will be your gym buddy or workout pal to hold each other accountable.

Step 2: Make an Attainable Goal

Make a goal that is realistic for your lifestyle. Don’t model your workouts after fitness influencers who are going to the gym for 3 hours everyday. More than likely going to the gym and making content is their job, so don’t compare your life to anyone else’s. Be realistic with yourself and make goals you know that you can reach. Start off small and set goals, such as “I will go to the gym two times this week.” Mold your fitness goals to fit your lifestyle and enhance your life, not to stress you out more. If you are a mother, most likely you aren’t going to have the time to leave your kids for an hour to go to the gym. This is where you can get creative and utilize the time you have. When your kids take a nap, you can do a 10-30 minute workout video on YouTube, or find a way for your kids to do the workout with you! This is just one example of finding time in your busy schedule to make fitness a priority. Make goals that you can reach and be proud of the small victories.

Step 3: Set Fitness in Your Schedule

Now that you’ve made an attainable goal, find time in your schedule to make it happen! I personally use Google Calendar to schedule out everything. I have it color coded with everything I need to do daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly and keeps me on track towards my goals. I put the gym in my calendar to make it part of my schedule. This helps keep me accountable because if it’s built into my schedule I know I have the time to do it, which means no excuses. When working out is part of your schedule it also means you’ve completed one more task in your day – and won’t it feel so good to be able to check that box off at the end of the day?

Step 4: Workout!

Now that you have a plan of when and where you’re going to workout – Do It! Find workouts that make you feel good. This might include weight lifting, cardio, pilates, yoga, walking, or anything that’s enhancing your lifestyle and fits in your busy schedule. I have plenty of workouts posted if you click HERE. Learn to not make excuses to get out of working out just because you feel unmotivated. Working out isn’t something that will change your life immediately, it is something that overtime will completely change your life. That’s why making it a habit is so important because it may feel like a task at first, but eventually you will look forward to your workouts because of the amazing benefits. Learn the benefits of working out, so you have more reasons to make it a habit! Wherever you are in your journey, know that everyone starts somewhere and be proud of the small victories because they add up to the huge successes.

Image of women stretching and text saying stretch, breathe, and repeat