4 Benefits of Working Out That You Might Not Know

4 Benefits of Working Out that You Might Not Know

It’s difficult to find the motivation to work out if your only goal is to look a certain way. The key to finding joy in working out is learning about the lasting effects it has on your body. There are so many aspects of the mind, body, and soul that working out benefits. Understanding the internal and external benefits helps motivate you to reach those goals and enjoy the process along the way!


You know that feeling after your workout when you feel like you’re on top of the world? This is a result of chemicals released in our bodies when we work out. We release epinephrine and norepinephrine in small amounts. These are hormones that leap into action when necessary. When you’re working out, you are putting your body under stress, which triggers our fight or flight response. This is when epinephrine and norepinephrine step in and allow you to be more alert and focused. When you’re feeling a bit sluggish I know the last thing on your mind is to work out. Maybe next time before you reach for that coffee or get comfortable for an afternoon nap, try a quick walk around the block. This might give you that little burst of energy that you need to get through the day.

Mental Clarity

Working out is often an escape for people. It can be a place that is void of work problems, family issues, or life obstacles. Life is never going to slow down for you, and trying to keep up day in and day out is so tiring! Working out can be a safe space where your thoughts become clearer and your mind becomes more focused. When you work out, your blood pressure and blood flow increases in your body. When you get more blood flowing, this means that there’s more energy and oxygen, which allows your brain to operate better. Oxygen is the key to improving our mental cognition, which is how we acquire knowledge and understand it more deeply. Exercise also encourages growth hormones, which help create new brain cells. Focusing on one task for too long can sometimes be counterproductive if you feel like you’re stuck. Take a break and exercise, then go back to that task and see if your mind is any more clear.


It’s not a coincidence when you start feeling a bit happier or at ease after a workout. Our body releases tons of chemicals when exercising that allow us to feel happier, less anxious, and less depressed. It increases serotonin, dopamine, adrenaline, and endorphins. These are all chemicals that help you feel happy, release tension, lessen pain in the body, and feel confident. If you want to learn more in-depth about what these chemicals do click HERE. Our bodies are pretty smart to send these signals because overtime working out can become the stability that we are searching for in our lives. These chemicals suppress the hormones that cause stress and anxiety and increase your sense of well-being.

Better Sleep

I don’t know about you guys, but I love to wake up from a deep, refreshing slumber. When you’re tossing and turning at night, it can be so aggravating, and you wake up feeling as if you got no sleep. We go through 5 sleep phases each night, and one of the most important is the slow-wave sleep phase. It is important because of its function in memory processing and consolidation. It’s known to be our deepest phase of sleep with the most restorative physical and mental properties. Exercise is shown to improve and increase our time in the slow-wave sleep phase. Exercise also increases our duration of sleep. When you work out, you are expending energy, which allows you to feel more tired when it’s time for bed. Do yourself a favor and work out today so you can feel more well-rested in the morning!

Graphic of benefits of working out with a confidential and top secret logo on them