Traveling to Spain – Día 1

¡Hola amigos! Welcome to the new Building Balance content for the next few months. The trip to get to Spain seems really long, but it went by pretty fast because I slept for a good portion of it.

Packing definitely took the longest amount of time because I wasn’t sure what I would need there and what I can’t get while abroad. Luckily I had a 6pm flight so I had most of the day to check things over. My boyfriend drove me to the airport and I met up with my friend Lia who I’m rooming with in Spain. It was definitely comforting to have a friend to travel with because I have never flown anywhere by myself yet.

Our flight was delayed about a half an hour so we had a glass of champagne at Bubbles while we waited. We boarded our flight and I threw on my neck pillow and tried to catch some zzz’s. We got lucky and didn’t have anyone in the seat next to us. We received dinner, which was chicken and couscous and breakfast, which was green yogurt and a fig bar. The flight was a little over 7 hours and landed in London. Since our 1st flight was delayed, we had to rush through the airport to hop on the next flight. Once we got on the next flight it was only about 2 hours until we landed in Barcelona. 

We grabbed our bags and went outside to catch a taxi. We only know a bit of Spanish so we were grateful to know that many people know some English in Spain. We arrived at our hotel and wanted to crash but we’re told to stay up and fix the jet lag.

We showered, threw on clothes, and walked to La Sagrada Familia. The building was beautiful and it was great that we were able to go there on the first day. We were starving and found a restaurant called Casa Angela with a beautiful view on Sagrada Familia. Restaurants are different in Europe because everything is a bit slower, so don’t expect to get in and out in 30 minutes. We had patatas fritas and meatballs and paella to share.

We walked to our friend’s apartment and met up with her from there. We walked back to our place and went to a bar called L’Ollella Negra and walked to a club called Opium afterwards. We got a taxi home and went to sleep around 4 am. Another thing to get used to is how late everyone stays up in Spain. Usually I’m back home around 1-2 am but it’s normal to get home at 4-5 am. Definitely did not help my jet lag, but it was still fun to kick off a first day with walking around the city and enjoying time with friends.

¡España es muy hermosa y quiero aprender más sobre eso!

  1. Loving your blog! Enjoy your time in Spain!

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