Getting Lost – Días 11-13

¡Hola amigos! Día 11 was very slow. I woke up late and I just had 1 class, but I burrowed right back into bed when I got home. Being in Spain is amazing, but I am quickly realizing that 20,000 steps a day and doing activities everyday makes you very tired. 

On día 12 I had my first real Spanish class and I understood about half of what he was saying because it’s all in Spanish. Practice makes progress so I try to speak as much Spanish as I can when I’m in restaurants and talking with my host mom.

I met up with Lia at Aloha Poke to get a bite to eat. The seafood in Spain is always good because they’re right by the water. I had another class at the host university I’m enrolled in so I ran off to get there on time. This is when I got a bit lost.

The metro system is super efficient and makes traveling around the city easy, but can be confusing if you’ve never taken it alone. I got on the right metro line, but on the wrong side, which meant I was going the wrong direction. Once I went 2 stops further from my location I hopped off and my maps said to take the bus. I walked to the bus, got on, then realized the bus was going past the spot where it was supposed to turn. I got off the bus and started walking to the school, but it said it would be another 20 minutes until I got there. I had never been in this part of town before and it was already dark. It said my ETA was 20 min past the start time of class and if you’re 20 minutes late, it’s counted as an absence anyways. I decided to hop back on the metro towards home and cut my losses. Later on that night I had to move my schedule around and ended up dropping that class, so it was a blessing in disguise that I missed it.

Lia and I were craving sweet potato fries so we hightailed it to Honest Greens and shared a plate of fries and had a glass of wine.

On día 13 I had time before class so I stopped at cafe Padel and got a café con leche. It’s so nice that every corner has cafes for me to stop and get a coffee and pastry if I want. My classes are scheduled far apart on Mondays and Wednesdays, so I use this time to walk 30 minutes to my other class building and see Sagrada Familia on my walk over. I usually have extra time when I get there as well, so on this day I stopped at cafe 365 for a chocolate croissant.

¡Espero que esta sea la primera y única vez que me pierdo!