Trip to Tarragona – Días 16 & 17

¡Hola amigos! On día 16 we had a mandatory trip to Tarrogona. We left for the bus, but along the way picked up a cafe con leche and a spinach pastry. We had about a 2 hour bus ride to get there. 

When we arrived we separated into smaller groups to learn about the history of the area. We learned about the coliseums they had and got to walk down in them. We were right by the water, so the views were beautiful. Learning about the history made me appreciate Tarragona more, so I’m glad we had a short guided tour to understand everything.

We had a break to eat so Lia and I walked to a restaurant named El Sal. We split patatas bravas and a burger. We also got cappuccinos and a slice of carrot cake. It was a bit chilly this day, so taking a break from the wind was nice.

We got back on the bus and drove about 30 min to arrive at another building. We learned about the traditions of making human towers in Spain. The person explaining human towers talked about the tradition of making them and the teamwork and dedication that goes into it. Everyone who participates is a volunteer and doesn’t get paid, but it’s about being part of something that’s bigger than yourself.

I was surprised when I found out that we were going to make some towers too. We learned the form and went into smaller groups and tried it out and realized how much focus and effort it all took. It was a really unique tradition to learn about and try for ourselves.

We had dinner all together at the hotel and we’re so exhausted that we fell right asleep when we were done.

On día 17 we had breakfast at the hotel and were on our way. We drove to Santes Creus to see the monastery. It’s located basically right in the middle of nowhere. We had a guided tour and got to learn how and why everything was built. It was so beautiful and learning about the history made it even better.

We left for lunch where we tried grilled green onions and poured red wine into our mouths from an odd looking wine jug. It was a very unique experience and the food was great!

We drove home from there, but I was so glad to have the experience of seeing Tarragona and all it has to offer!

¡Tarragona es hermosa y no puedo esperar para ver más partes de España!