How to Create the Perfect At Home Workout Space

man and woman working out showing off tools of the perfect at home workout

We talked about how to form an at home workout routine, but you might be wondering how to create a pleasing workout space. Depending on how much space you have in your house, it can be quite challenging to create an environment in which you feel happy to workout everyday. I’ll talk about how I would set up a beautiful at home workout space in any type of home.

Find the Room that Works Best for You

The first step to any successful at home workout space is to find the best spot in your house or apartment for working out. If you have a room that’s separate from other activities in your home, that can be a great spot to workout. Most people don’t have an entire empty room waiting to be filled, so sometimes you have to get creative. Locate a room that you can easily push household tasks or work out of your mind. This can be really difficult because you’re located in your own house, so your mind will wander. Choose a room where you can be further removed from these distractions because when you workout, it should always be time for you. This is not time to think intensely about other life tasks, you can complete those once your workout is over. This is a sacred time in your schedule where you are bettering yourself mentally and physically.

Purchase a Yoga Mat

Every great workout space contains a yoga mat. You don’t have to ever do yoga with it, but it has so many uses. You can use a yoga mat for almost every exercise you do. It rolls or folds up easily so your workout room doesn’t always have to look like a workout room. It gives you a thicker layer of cushioning so you can move your body more comfortably when working out. Nobody wants to workout on hardwood, concrete, or even carpet. Usually these surfaces are too rough for your joints and can cause wear and tear overtime. Here are some great affordable options below to start off your workout space:

Create a Welcoming Atmosphere

Working out is hard enough so don’t make it more difficult by creating a harsh workout environment. Whatever room you choose should feel happy and welcoming when you walk in to workout. Consider having all your workout amenities set out in front of you neatly. Roll out a cute and comfortable yoga mat that makes you feel excited to start your workout. You can even decorate the room with little decorative pieces to get you in the mindset of exercising. These little things may seem silly, but they can give you the push you need to start up your workout. If you walk into a room that’s messy and you’re not even sure where your workout equipment is, it won’t incentivize you to workout. Most likely it will stress you out more and you won’t want to go in that room. Set up the room in a manner that suits your preferences and makes you feel great!

Mirror Your Movements

If you have ever gone to a workout class or to the gym, you may have noticed the copious amount of mirrors they provide. The mirrors have the purpose of allowing people to perfect their form. You can see how you are doing an exercise in real time. This allows for quick fixes if you notice that your form is wrong during a set. Mirrors also allow you to boost your self-esteem. I know this seems wrong because a lot of times mirrors don’t help with self-esteem, but they truly can! When you look into the mirror, think about all the muscles that you are working with in just one type of exercise. Your body can do some crazy things and you should learn to appreciate your body for that. No matter how you look, your body is amazing! Your strong legs can carry you on long walks with loved ones. Your arms can embrace friends and family. When you’re working out, learn to appreciate how hard your body is working to allow you to keep doing these beautiful things. Look into the mirror and see your hard work, hustle, and grit. Use the mirror to your advantage to get better each session and to appreciate your body right now and how it’s changing as a result of your workouts.

Consider Weights or Resistance Bands

You don’t need weights or resistance bands to get in a great workout, but they can be useful to challenge yourself. I have an article about the beginner guide to weight lifting and it explains all about how weight lifting has amazing effects for our bodies. It can break down questions you may have related to that type of exercise. Any time you utilize weights in a workout, it becomes resistance training. Adding weights adds an extra challenge and helps tone your body. Resistance bands have a similar effect to weights. They are a form of resistance training because you are placing resistance on the body to push or pull against. There are tons of different types of resistance bands because each one has a different level of difficulty. Some are very tight and difficult to move while some are very easy to stretch. It depends on where you are in your fitness journey and what exercise you are performing to choose what resistance works best. Most often people get a set of a couple different resistance bands so they have options for each workout.

Use Your Space Wisely

Whatever equipment you have for your at home workout space, it should fit your preferences and it should fit the actual room. If you are using your living room and you don’t have the ability to just leave all your workout equipment laying around, then you have to use that space wisely. Yoga mats roll up easily and can be tucked away in a corner or in a closet. You might want a few decorations for your workout area, but they might look silly when it’s not set up to be your workout space. Try to find versatile workout decorative pieces that can stay out in the open 24/7. If you want a mirror to focus on your form, you can get a smaller mirror that can rest on  a wall. When you’re done working out, it can be moved into another room or be put away in a closet until your next workout. If you want to have weights and resistance bands in your workout area, consider getting space saving options. There are weights that have different attachments to make it heavier or lighter and it’s all based off of one dumbbell or barbell. One should be attached above to give an example. These things can be packed away in neat containers or boxes to be put away until needed again. The main component in creating your workout space is to work smarter not harder. Don’t get a giant weight rack if you can’t keep it in that room 24/7. Get substitutes for workout equipment that suit your house best.

The main goal of creating the perfect at home workout space is to make you happy and motivated. It should fit your preferences and get you excited to workout. Follow all these tips to create the workout space of your dreams!

man and woman working out showing off tools of the perfect at home workout
  1. 5 stars
    Greetings! Very helpful advice in this particular post! It is the little changes that make the most significant changes. Thanks for sharing!

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