Churros & Secret Bars – Días 14 & 15

Day 14 and 15 in Spain

¡Hola amigos! On día 14 I went to 3 classes, but with my new schedule they are booked back to back to back. After finishing them all I’m usually famished. I stopped at honest greens and got a poke bowl with sweet potato fries.

I met up with my friend at our school building and ran into a group of students going for a quick trip around the city. We hopped in the group and spontaneously joined them to a churro shop. When we got there the waiters brought over thick cups of chocolate and churros for each person. This little adventure was funded by the school, so it made it even more enjoyable not having to pay for the delicous churros!

Later on that night my friends and I went to this bar that looks like a convenience store when you walk up. You talk to the person inside and they let you in the secret side door. There was a whole bar secret inside that I never would have know but just walking by the place. I ordered a random drink off the menu and it came out looking like grapes. At the end of the night Lia and I walked back home, but took a pit stop at McDonald’s because it was open.

On día 16 Lia and I walked to a brunch restaurant and got sourdough toast with poached eggs and miso glazed mushrooms. It was delicious and the staff was so kind, so we will definitely be back. Mercar de la Boquería was nearby so we looked around at the fresh meat, fruits, and vegetables. Lia got some dried fruit and a juice, which was insanely fresh. We walked around a few shops nearby then headed home.

Estoy aprendiendo a ser espontánea cuando puedo!

  1. Every time I open your blog I get hungry!! Love your posts and love you ❤️

    1. That’s the goal haha but I love you and I miss you!

  2. Every time I open your blog I get hungry!! Love your posts and love you ❤️

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