4 Beginner Gym Tips – How to Look Like a Pro in the Gym

Graphic of people becoming professionals in the gym with these 4 tips to get over gym anxiety

Have you ever told yourself – I’ll go to the gym tomorrow! Suddenly tomorrow turns into 3 months and you still haven’t been in the gym. This is a common problem that I have heard from countless people. Sometimes you find motivation and get super excited to get back into a workout routine. Often when it comes to actually going to the gym there seems to be a million excuses why we’re too busy to do so. Having anxiety about going to the gym is extremely common even if you don’t realize that’s what it is. Keep reading and I’ll talk more about how to overcome gym anxiety and give you tips on how to look like a pro going into the gym!

What is Gym Anxiety?

People often try to avoid the gym for a multitude of their own reasons, but when you look deeper it’s usually related to gym anxiety. The hardest part of a workout should essentially be the actual workout, but for many people it starts right as they walk through the doors. You might not be acclimated to where all the machines are. You might not know what type of workout you want to do. You might hate your gym outfit and see someone that you know. You might be self-conscious. You might feel like everyone inside is judging you. You might not know where to start in the gym. This gym anxiety is very common, but there are ways to overcome it. Gym anxiety should not stop you from beginning into a healthy fitness journey. Keep reading to learn tips on how you can lessen this gym anxiety and get back in the gym!

Tip #1: Nobody is Watching/Judging You

You might have this fear that other people are watching or judging you at the gym. Don’t let this limit you because I can promise you that nobody is watching. People are usually egocentric and they won’t be worried about you or what you’re doing in the gym. When you get to the gym, walk in with confidence. This sounds like a big thing to ask of you, but I promise overtime that fake confidence becomes real. The beauty behind this tactic is that nobody can distinguish between real or fake confidence. Go into every workout with the mindset that it’s just you in the room. Stay focused on the task at hand and don’t worry about anybody else who might be there. Do whatever exercises feel good for you and your body and don’t try to copy anyone else. Everybody is different and that means certain exercises might hurt some people while it’s a staple exercise for others. For example, I used to do heavy squats for my legs, but I found out that I have a pars defect or spondylolysis in my back which gets really irritated by squats. I can’t do any exercises that require loading my spine which limits me a bit, but I don’t let that stop my fitness journey. I do squats by holding dumbbells instead now. If you need to substitute an exercise for something different or something similar – do it! Don’t try to be like anyone else and remember that no one is watching!

Tip #2: Find a Spot to Scope Out the Gym

You might not know the layout of the gym you’re going to, so an easy way to scope out the gym is to find a stretching spot. The first thing I do before I start any workout at the gym is that I grab a mat and do some static and dynamic stretches. I find a spot that faces out towards all the equipment so I can see the entire layout. This allows me to look like a pro every time I get there because I can see what machines are open and if I have to change my game plan that day. This is much less daunting than having to walk aimlessly around the gym not sure what you want to do. Once you find a stretching spot once, you can easily go straight to that spot before every workout. This will allow you to gather yourself, build a plan, and crush your workout every time.

Tip #3: Go in With a Plan

The easiest way to motivate yourself to go to the gym is if you create a workout plan. Sitting down once a week to collect some exercises you would like to do can simplify your gym routine. If you show up without any goal or plan, you might lose sight of why you are there and want to leave. Creating workout routines are simple if you break down what your overall fitness goals are, what you want to accomplish weekly, and what you want to accomplish daily. You also might not want to create workout routines or don’t have time to, so that’s why I created a bunch of free workout guides for you. You can easily add these into your fitness routine to get the hang of what exercises you enjoy and what ones you don’t. Going to the gym with a plan simplifies your gym experience and can reduce some of your gym anxiety.

Tip #4: Practice Exercises Before Going to the Gym

You might have found a workout plan to follow or created one yourself, but now you’re sitting in the gym wondering if you’re performing them properly. Preparing for a workout is one thing, but actually performing those workouts is a whole other thing. My best advice is to look up videos of how to properly perform each exercise in your plan before you even get to the gym. Find a trusted and certified trainer on YouTube to teach you the movements. They should explain what each movement is, what muscles should be engaged, and the speed in which the exercise should be done. Do not follow the lead of someone random that you have seen in the gym do the same exercise. There’s a good chance that they’re performing the exercise wrong, so you should learn the proper form of every exercise before actually utilizing them. This doesn’t have to be a long process, but try practicing 2-3 reps of each exercise to make sure you’re engaging the right muscles. If you are using the wrong form there’s a much more likely chance of injury. Get used to the movements that you want to perform before you get to the gym to eliminate confusion when you get there.

Utilize these 4 tips of going to the gym and I promise that with a consistent routine you will look like a gym professional in no time. Always remember that everyone starts somewhere. Don’t compare your own fitness journey with anybody else’s. I have been going to the gym consistently for years now and I still get gym anxiety sometimes. This doesn’t stop me from going because I know that if I use these tips that my anxiety dissolves away and I can get in a great workout!

Graphic of people becoming professionals in the gym with these 4 tips to get over gym anxiety
  1. I enjoyed this read. Never heard the term “gym anxiety” before but it makes sense. Great tips.

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